Deed Restriction Information

Deed Restriction Summary- Refer to this document for the basics of the Pinion Park deed restriction.

Preliminary Deed Restriction Qualification- Fill out the Deed Restriction Pre-Qualification Form to determine if you are likely to qualify for the Deed Restriciton.

Full Deed Restriction Guidelines- Refer to this document for the complete details on the deed restriction

Full Deed Restriction Covenant- This document is the legal agreement (covenant) that must be signed to gain ownership of a Pinion Park home.

Preliminary Business Owner Deed Restriction Qualification Form- For business owners: please download and fill out this form, and then email it to with the subject line format: BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS DRQ Form (e.g. JOE’S CONSTRUCTION, BUSINESS DRQ Form)

Appreciation Calculator- The Deed Restriction requires a 3% appreciation cap on the home per year to ensure the long-term affordability of the home, and while this limits how much the home can appreciate, the homeowner can still earn equity that is not earned renting! Feel free to play around with this appreciation calculator to get a sense of the value captured on the home over time.

CHFA’s Homebuyer Road Map- Homebuyer’s Roadmap is interactive resource gives users the chance to “choose their own adventure,” featuring stops on the homebuying journey that highlight various aspects of purchasing a home, including homebuyer education, understanding credit, selecting a lender, inspections, and appraisals.

What’s the Process?

Find the steps for the homebuyer process by clicking here.